Trial Pits

  • Determines the exact alignment of cable trench thus creating minimum interference to other agency’s installations.
  • Helps to lay the cable without disturbing the existing utilities
  • Able to maintain sufficient clearance between the cables & other utilities

Trench Excavation

  • Should be straight
  • Side walls should be free from sharp edges
  • Walking bay along trench is necessary
  • Curvature should be maintained (Normally 20D of cable)

Arranging Equipments

  • Rollers should be placed in 3 meters interval
  • Curvature roller should be used in the corner of the trench
  • Power rollers can be used if necessary

Arranging Machinery

  • Winch machine can be used.
  • Power rollers can be used if necessary

Cable Laying

  • Cable drums will be lifted through spindle & jack arrangement
  • Ramping arrangement should be made in front of cable drums to have smooth laying.

Dressing of Cables

  • Identification tape (R, Y, B) should be provided in each phase cable immediately after cable laying.
  • Sufficient gap should be made if double circuit cable laid.
  • Trefoil, Flat formation should be made as per requirement.

Testing of Cables

  • Identification tape (R, Y, B) should be provided in each phase cable immediately after cable laying.
  • Sufficient gap should be made if double circuit cable laid.
  • Trefoil, Flat formation should be made as per requirement.

Sand Filling

  • River bed sand is used for sand filling.

Protection of Cables

  • Most of cables are damaged by the human intervenes only.
  • Such damages can be avoid by offering protective assets.
    • RCC Slabs
    • Caution Tapes
    • Route Markers & Paintings
RCC Slabs
Caution Tapes

Protection of Cables (Cable end sealing)

  • Route Marker & Paintings ( Suitable Route marker , Metal / RCC / Painting to be applied with Danger Sign on the entire route at appropriate distance.

Back filling

  • Should be compacted in layers with water shoring.